A Message from Barrett Irons, Lay Director
Praying for God's Blessings on Our Community
As we move forward, we pray that God continues to bless our community by raising up people who will partner with Him in serving others. Jesus made people His priority—He loved, healed, taught, and cared for them. We are called to do the same. By supporting the Via de Cristo movement, we are continuing that mission to share God’s love with our community and beyond.
We stand on the shoulders of those who have faithfully given their time, talents, and resources to this movement. Their example is one of love and service to others. As we continue to invest in Via de Cristo, we are honoring that legacy and looking to the future.
One of the key priorities of the Vineyard Secretariat is leadership and building the Kingdom of God. Just as Jesus invested in His disciples to equip them for ministry, we are focused on raising up and supporting leaders who will strengthen the local church and help build God’s Kingdom. This includes deepening relationships with supporting churches and reaching out to pastors and congregations to help equip them for the work of ministry.
We rely on the commitment that “Christ is counting on you, on whom are you counting on?” It is a reminder that the work we do is not just about us—it’s about fulfilling God’s mission in the world, and we each have a role to play in it. We are called to step up, support one another, and be the leaders that God has called us to be.
We are also working to establish a point of contact in every church to improve communication between the Secretariat and the community. If you don’t know who your church’s Via de Cristo contact is, we hope you will soon.
For those whose pastors are not yet Spiritual Directors, we want to engage with them, earn their trust, and partner together to strengthen Christian leadership and build the Kingdom of God in their churches.
Let’s remember: Make a friend, be a friend, and bring a friend to Christ. Just as Jesus made people His priority, we are called to do the same.
In His service,
Barrett Irons
Lay Director
Great News!
Rectors and Rectora for the 2025 Weekends Accepted Their Calls
Please put the following dates for our 2025 Weekends on your calendars and begin praying for the leaders, the team, and the Pilgrims that God is planning to place in our care:
Men's Weekend #36 March 27-30, 2025 with Tony Wagner as Rector mensrector@vineyardviadecristo.org
Coed Weekend #15 April 24-27, 2025 with Pat Acuna as Rector coedrector@vineyardviadecristo.org
Please pray for Tony and Pat, the Weekends, the Pilgrims that God is planning to send, our Vineyard community, and its leaders. You should contact Tony and Pat to congratulate them and to submit an Application To Serve On Team. Download the Team Application and email your completed form to the Rector(a).
Team Application
Remember the joy of hearing about the other communities praying for your weekend. This is your opportunity to repay their prayers. For a list of the upcoming weekends we are praying for go to the Prayer Vigils tab above.