
A message form our Lay Director

I pray that God will continue to bless this Community by raising up people who will partner with God and His people who have given faithfully of their time, talent, and, treasure. By investing in the Via de Cristo movement to evangelize this region and beyond, we are truly heirs of this legacy. We figuratively “stand on the shoulders” of those faithful men and woman. 

One of the priorities of the Vineyard Secretariat is succession. To be successful we need to strengthen our relationship with the Vineyard’s foundational supporting churches, then reach out to pastors and churches in the next level. Our goal is to establish or verify the Vineyards role as a partner or resource to renew and build Christian leaders in the local church. In fact, that is our theme for 4th Day Ultreya speakers “How my Vineyard weekend (or team experience) has helped me be a better leader in my church" I can think of plenty of spiritual and practical benefits… and look forward to hearing your personal stories.  

Along that same line, we are working to establish a point of contact in your church who can facilitate two-way communication with the secretariat and the community. If you don’t know who your church VdC point of contact is, hopefully you will soon.  
For Vineyard Community members whose pastor is not a Spiritual Director, we want to engage with them. We want to gain their blessing, inform them of the VdC virtues, address any misunderstandings, and partner with them to build Christian leadership within their church. 

Make a friend, be a friend, bring a friend to Christ.   Jim Dulling, Lay Director

Great News! Rectors and Rectora for the 2025 Weekends Accepted Their Calls


Please put the following dates for our 2024 Weekends on your calendars and begin praying for the leaders, the team, and the Pilgrims that God is planning to place in our care:

Women's Weekend #35 TBD 2025 with Leslie Winston as Rectora womensrectora@vineyardviadecristo.org

Men's Weekend #36 TBD, 2025 with Tony Wagner as Rector mensrector@vineyardviadecristo.org

Please pray for Leslie and Tony the Weekends, the Pilgrims that God is planning to send, our Vineyard community, and its leaders.  You should contact Tony and Jayne to congratulate them and to submit an Application To Serve On Team.  Download the Team Application and email your completed form to the Rector(a).  Team Application

Pray for other Community weekends 
 Remember the joy of hearing about the other communities praying for your weekend.  This is your opportunity to repay their prayers.  For a list of the upcoming weekends we are praying for go to the Prayer Vigils tab above.

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